AI the new way of working

IT department never more popular than now

Written by C. Louito | Jul 1, 2024 8:44:47 AM

The IT department is currently taking center stage like never before. Whereas IT professionals used to have to lug around lengthy SAP implementations and endless projects that generated little enthusiasm, employees are now asking for ChatGPT and other generative AI applications like CoPilot on their own. This is a remarkable shift in the dynamics within organizations.

Generative AI: The New Norm

Younger generations in the company have long been familiar with these technologies, even if they are not officially offered by the employer. Recent research by shows that as many as 32% of Dutch employees use generative AI at work, either in free or paid form. This means that companies need to act quickly to make these tools available in a secure and responsible manner, before competitive or AVG-sensitive company information is inadvertently fed into a free variant.

The Productivity Boost of AI

That AI can provide a huge productivity boost is supported by a recent Boston Consulting Group (BCG) study. This study of 758 BCG consultants found that using AI resulted in an impressive improvement in performance:

  • Consultants who used AI completed 12.2% more tasks.
  • These tasks were completed 25.1% faster.
  • The quality of work improved by more than 40% compared to colleagues who did not use AI.

These figures are downright impressive and highlight the potential of AI to dramatically increase efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace.

The Popular IT Department

For IT professionals, this represents an unexpected but very welcome shift. Whereas in some companies they were seen more as a cost center, they are now the center of innovation and change within the organization. Employees are eagerly awaiting the latest AI tools and the benefits they can bring to their daily work.

Looking Ahead: Safe and Responsible AI Use

However, it is critical that companies integrate these new technologies responsibly. This means not only making the tools available, but also providing adequate training and establishing clear guidelines for safe use. By acting proactively, organizations can not only strengthen their competitive position, but also ensure a safe and efficient work environment.


IT professionals, enjoy this positive shift in demand for generative AI. You are the most popular kid or girl in the class, and this trend is only expected to get stronger. It's time to seize this opportunity and ensure a future where AI and human talent go hand in hand to drive innovation and success. But don't forget to also invest in your own development.

By making strategic and informed use of AI, companies can reap the benefits of this technology while continuing to nurture the human side of work. The future is now, and the IT department plays a central role in it.
